Endless arcade game where you pilot a UFO, evade enemy fire and collect cowbells!

Expected session duration: 3-6 min
If you are on a laptop, you might need to go fullscreen to see everything.

Originally made for Opera GX Game Jam.

Cowbells have 5 phases:
1. Incoming - Cowbell is getting bigger, cannot be touched yet.
2. Tractorable - Tractor Beam can be attached to the Cowbell by touching it, but you cannot collect it yet.
3. Glowing - Touch the Cowbell to collect it and get a point.
4. Blinking - Same as Tractorable, but it's warning you that it will be gone soon.
5. Fading - Cowbell cannot be touched anymore, it's gone.

To attach the Tractor Beam, touch the cowbell first.
Only Glowing Cowbell can be collected for score.
If you Tractor Beam a Blinking Cowbell, it will go back to Tractorable.

In the main menu, the music and sound switchers have multiple levels, not just ON/OFF.

In multiplayer, players can steal each other's Cowbells and try to lure missiles to the other player. After one player dies, the other one is on a death counter.

In peaceful mode there is no enemy fire, but every Cowbell left to fade out will deal 1 damage to the closest player UFO.

Programming: JohnyDaison, Uzasnak98

Graphics: JohnyDaison

Sound Effects: JohnyDaison

Music: Martin Rezny - Rezonance (CZ)

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